Tips for Improving Your Golf Swing

Ah, the swing. The beautiful movement that is elegant and serene during short game, and that can take on a more savage, powerful form when you drive and send the ball flying from far, far away. There’s an art, a beat, and a flow to it, and it’s one of the, if not the most important aspect of every shot you can make during your round of golf. And that’s why you should improve it.

However, don’t jump the gun and immediately start looking for the best golf driver for moderate swing speed or the best golf driver for slow swing speed. Yes, tools are important, but form is vital. Start at the beginning and begin improving your swing by paying attention to your basics. Once you’ve done so, feel free to get the best clubs you can buy.

Actionable Tips for Improving Your Swing

  1. Choose your clubs – one of the biggest problems high-handicap golfers have with their swing is not choosing the best club for the job.
  2. It’s not just the arms – there’s a lot more to a swing than just moving your arms. In fact, arm movement is usually less important than your back and your shoulder movements.
  3. Coil your body – to generate the necessary torque that will send the ball flying through the air, you have to learn how to coil your body in order to wind up that spring well before letting it loose.
  4. Take your time – don’t hasten your backswing. If you hurry your backswing, you won’t get a faster downswing.
  5. Waiter’s arm is an important position – to ensure that your right elbow is correctly positioned at the top of your backswing, you can try imagining that you’re a waiter carrying a tray filled to the brim with drinks.
  6. Relax your grip – don’t over-tighten your grip as you swing. Grip pressure is a factor many golfers overlook.
  7. Hit the side of the ball – hitting full shots means that many golfers will try to hit the very center of the golf ball. Try this instead – it will transform your swing.
  8. Mind the finishing position – the best tip for a solid finishing position is that it should be.

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